Monday 28 March 2011

Kelly Dubbs Week 3/21-3/28

-Worked on Big postcard design in InDesign- 2 hours
-Practiced using appropriate Adobe programs- 1 hour
-Updated group through progress summary/email- 30 minutes
Total: 3.30

Thursday 24 March 2011

3/14- 3/20 David Barton

Talked to Breeze staff about mad4U feature article- 10 min

Used class time to work on deliverables- 1 hour

Monday 21 March 2011


Met with Shari to create twitter account, trained her how to use twitter- 1.5 hours
Re-desgined twitter page and "followed" JMU opinion leaders- 30 mins
Tweets regularly

Sunday 20 March 2011

Week 3/14-3/20

Photographs for video/ print material 1 hour
Organized and regrouped progress through emails 30 minutes

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Hey guys,
Martin and Ashley, since you guys missed class, I wanted to give you the updates on where we're at with the project.
As far as deliverable s here are the materials we will provide:
-Video (in progress of filming- next step edit)
-Twitter (Ashley implemented and started it up-@ Madtweets4u) - already 29 followers!
-Breeze articles (David is going to get this started, probably a combined Mad4U feature article on their weekly events)
-Tabletent ad (I will get this done soon, easy to do!)
-Postcard (While we are not sure Shari will use this, the professors want us to at least put something together for experience- start next class which is a project lab)

As far as filming.. we have filmed: madison mediates, creative madison, gulf benefit, 9ball practice/pizza and interviews, staff meeting (briefly)
We need to film: live at the drum 3/30 @ Festival, tunes at noon on Fridays, open mic Tuesdays 7:30, karaoke Th 8, maybe interviews at staff meeting?
-I am also emailing shari to get the original file for the pictures they have on the facebook site to add and i took some too

As far as the theme for everything:
-we need to mention that Mad4U is designed to create opportunities for "radical participation and inclusiveness"shari and students can "get an education and have balance"- meet a great network of friends
-in all materials mention to "follow us on twitter @ Madtweets4u and like us on Facebook

Sorry this is alot but since we were away we haven't really been able to catch up. Martin, keep us posted on when we can finish the filming

Thanks guys!

Thursday 3 March 2011

2/21- 2/28 David Barton

researched advertising on college campus- 40 minutes

Group meeting with Shari- 30 minutes

reworked proposal- 1 hour